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Mission San Jose Little League

Mission San Jose Little League


Frequently Answered Questions

Please take a moment to review this page. We hope that most questions parents have can be answered here.


1. How can I sponsor a team?

The Sponsorship form can be found in the Library section of the MSJLL web site.  In addition, you can contact the League President or a Board Member and ask for a Sponsorship Form. We offer sponsorship levels for teams, divisions, and the entire league. MSJLL will make every attempt to honor the sponsor’s request.  Again, please discuss any specific requests with the League President or Sponsorship Chairperson.

2. If I am not able to sponsor a team, are there other ways to sponsor MSJLL?

Yes, there is.  You can sponsor MSJLL in several ways.  One is through a team sponsorship, or your business can donate other forms of goods & services. Finally, you can also sponsor through the Player Scholarship or just by giving a donation.

3. I do not have a business, can I still sponsor?

Yes, you can.  We accept non-business sponsors as well.

4. Can I help provide a player scholarship for other children?

Yes, you can provide a scholarship donation or just a donation when you register. Scholarships are needed and much appreciated every year.

5. Are my charitable contributions and donations tax deductible?

Yes, the Mission San Jose Little League is operated as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Charity.  One hundred percent (100%) of all contributions go directly to Mission San Jose Little League!  MSJLL can provide official receipts for you to use for tax purposes.  You will have to check with a treasurer and/or the IRS to see how it would apply to you.


Mission San Jose Little League
503 Lemos Lane 
Fremont, California 94539

Phone: 510-659-1997
Email: [email protected]

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