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Mission San Jose Little League

Mission San Jose Little League


Frequently Answered Questions

Please take a moment to review this page. We hope that most questions parents have can be answered here.


1. Do umpires get paid?

All umpires at MSJLL are volunteers and do not receive compensation from the league.

2. How do I volunteer to be an umpire? 

Great!  First, fill out a Volunteer Application and alert the manager of the team so he/she can advise the Umpire-in-Chief.  The Umpire-in-Chief will alert you about planned rules clinics where you can learn more about the Little League Rules and Divisional Rules. Your first few times to umpire will probably be in the field with a more experienced umpire behind the plate.  Second, relax and go out there and just call it like you see it.

3. I don’t agree with an umpire’s call – What can I do?

Umpiring is one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of the Little League program. The volunteer umpire is as much a part of Little League as the volunteer manager, coach, or concession stand worker.  If you feel the need to dispute an umpire’s call, please discuss with the manager. You can also contact the Umpire-in-Chief and volunteer to umpire a few games.  It will give you a different perspective on the game and make you appreciate that these volunteers are willing to give their time back to the game.  Besides, by umpiring, you have the best seat in the house.


Mission San Jose Little League
503 Lemos Lane 
Fremont, California 94539

Phone: 510-659-1997
Email: [email protected]

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