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Mission San Jose Little League

Mission San Jose Little League


Frequently Answered Questions

Please take a moment to review this page. We hope that most questions parents have can be answered here.

Managers & Coaches

1. What are the responsibilities of a manager and a coach?

The team manager oversees the management of the team throughout the season.  They are responsible for setting a practice schedule, developing a practice format, creating a lineup card for every game, and ensuring kids get their minimum playing time in each game.  Managers are the focal point of the team and must be committed to following through with managing the team from February to the beginning of June.  Time commitment is usually at least 10 hours a week depending upon the division.  Managers need to be able to commit to be at most practices and games.  Managers also must attend pre-season meetings as required by the league, and a manager's meeting with the division representative.  In addition, they must schedule and conduct a parent meeting prior to the first practice of the season.  Managers are assisted by a volunteer team parent who helps with things like snack shack scheduling, fundraising events, uniform distribution, and picture day.

Two assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games.  However, a manager may elect to use more than two coaches during practice.  Coaches provide support during practice to ensure kids get enough attention while developing their skills.  Coaches are under the guidance and direction of the manager.  Typically, a manager will design a practice format and have assistants take care of coaching small groups of players, assisting with batting practice, or other assistant duties.  Assistant coaches should commit to be at all practices and games, generally about 6–8 hours a week depending upon the division.  All actions of an assistant coach during games are the ultimate responsibility of the manager.

2. Do managers and coaches get paid?

All managers and coaches at MSJLL are volunteers and do not receive compensation from the league.

3. How are managers selected?

MSJLL actively seeks manager candidates at the time of registration.  Any adult who has turned in a completed Volunteer Form and passed the background check may manage a team.  No baseball experience is necessary.  It is the MSJLL Board of Director’s decision to approve persons recommended by the President or Player Agents and wishing to fulfill a management position.  Management positions are not reserved on a year-to-year basis.  Each year a person wishing to manage must volunteer for the position, be recommended by the League’s President or Player Agent, and approved by the Board of Directors.  Coaches are generally hand-picked by the manager of each team and must also complete a Volunteer Form and pass a background check.


Mission San Jose Little League
503 Lemos Lane 
Fremont, California 94539

Phone: 510-659-1997
Email: [email protected]

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